A Hero’s Welcome

My toddler doesn’t know how to say “I love you,” but he doesn’t have to. When I walk in the door, he says it all by giving me a hero’s welcome—smiling, lighting up, and exclaiming “Mama!” If that were the only thing he did, it would still be enough to convince me of his love….

Deeper Honesty

Few memories stand out to me in my early childhood as much as the emotional trauma I went through on the few occasions that I lied to my parents.  As a five-year-old, I remember thinking and marveling about how I felt “icky” inside after lying.  At some point, I put two and two together, and…

Joy Breakthrough

I will never cease to be intrigued by the process of change.  How do different types of people go from having no desire to change to suddenly wanting desperately to change?  And when the first few attempts at change seem to fail, what gives people the power to keep trying until they succeed?  What determines…

Complaining about Complaining

My journey to becoming an optimist is an ever-evolving process. To many people, over-the-top optimism seems foolish and naive, and it can seem as though optimists are lying to themselves in order to convince themselves that all is well, even when all is not well. Several times I’ve asked myself, “Does being optimistic mean living…

Meaning of “Journey in the Joy”

I’ve heard it said that “There is joy in the journey,” and I agree wholeheartedly.  Additionally, I believe that when we choose joy as our reality then we reach a higher level of joy in the journey, and I like to call this level “journey in the joy.”   Switching the order of the words…