Replace “Balance” with “Harmony”

What comes to mind when you think of “balance?” A set of scales with a pair of weights at equilibrium? A tightrope walker strutting down a nearly-invisible wire? A juggler keeping multiple objects in constant motion? Well, I don’t know about you, but I can’t juggle. I can’t tightrope walk. And I certainly can’t give…

Modes of Motivation

Have you ever wanted to desire something more?  In other words, have you ever wanted something (or at least realized that you SHOULD want something) but without wanting it badly enough to take action?  You wanted more motivation but didn’t know where to find it. From my own experiences, I’ve learned there is more than…

Deadlines: Deathlines or Lifelines?

Some people think deadlines are positive and others think deadlines are negative.  Deadlines definitely have their pros and cons, and it seems there is a time and a season for when to have deadlines and when not to have deadlines.  But how can you recognize the difference?  How can you know whether it would be…